Wednesday, December 23, 2009

An Open Letter to Politicians. . .and a rant.

Dear President Obama and Congress,

Please stop compromising on health care. You know what should go into this legislation, please do the right thing.

Thank you,
All of Us

And now, we rant. . .

I don't want to have to be forced to pay for insurance that doesn't work for me. I don't want the government telling me what is good for me, (my history with government funded health advisories isn't the greatest). I really don't like the idea that alot of the current plan revolves around giving exemptions to specific states so that the senator from that state will vote for the current bill, or that pharmaceutical companies are dictating what medicines we will be allowed to choose, (No matter how they dress it up, that is price fixing at it's most blatant) or that we shouldn't allow support/money for coverage of abortions, (a legalized way to try and stop abortion).

I am an aware citizen of the United States of America, I served my country during the Cold War, and I've always tried to stand up for what is right. I feel that, with the current legislation, I am being penalized for attempting to make a better life for my family because I'm making a living that pays our bills and allows us to pursue alternative health options for my son, who is on the autistic spectrum, (hence the name of the blog).

I know that we need to 'Do Something' about health care. Considering that my wife and I are uninsured, I keenly feel this is something that should be high up on our country's priority list. Having said that, I also feel that if this bill were really the answer to the country's health care problems, why isn't everyone excited about it? Why is there such a battle to get the votes needed?

I cannot believe that there are that many senators that want to miss the boat and be able to brag that they helped make America's Health Care System the marvel of the modern world. I also can't believe that the Republican party would have NOTHING to do with this. A sure sign radical conservatives and radical liberals are now at each others throats. With a gridlock like this, our country is stuck getting nothing done, and having the 'other guy' to blame makes this the perfect storm for politicians to posture and bluster and make like they are earning their massive retirement packages while Rome burns.

This entry is getting depressing even to me! Seriously, why aren't we, as citizens, doing more to correct this never ending comedy of errors? Unfortunately, I'm so tired just trying to keep my own boat afloat that I have little time or energy left over to be an activist, which ups my stress levels quite a bit, I can tell you.

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